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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

When You’ve Been Through A lot

I was never alone during my hard times. Gratefully I did and still do have an amazing support system. I have my amazing parents and sisters and family and friends. I have my kids who are amazing motivation to be happy. I have people who I am acquaintances with that always said whatever you need J, just let me know. Pretty amazing I know. 

But when you go through some hard times you really put on a tough skin. You tend to take matters in your own hands and get stuff done. The most difficult part is deep down you have a gentle soul that wants to be itself. But you can’t because you’re protecting yourself. You protect your heart. You protect your core. 

As you begin to heal and are really alone and ok with it. You then allow your gentle soul to come out again. You begin to heal and help heal others. You are calm and at peace. It’s pretty amazing. Acceptance. Is key. Growth is the goal. We’re in this together people. Everyone wants to excel and be happy. Everyone wants a calm head and heart. Try it.  

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