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Saturday, January 4, 2020

You Have The Right To Feel The Way You Feel

It’s validation. Right? The process of someone acknowledging you feel a certain way. Whether they agree with it or not. We all don’t want to feel dismissed. We all want our feelings to be justified. Even if you don’t agree. 

We choose how we feel. I have a friend whose friend always comes to her and asks about me. He always says I hope she knows she not going to get that from that person. It blows my mind. He’s very in tune with me. So she came to me the other day and I said this time I know, this time I stopped everything. She just smiled. 

I fought for a long time for people to view how I felt. To validate it. Then I stopped. I confronted people head on. Then it changed. They treated me differently. 

We all are a bit of a cry out for help. We all need guidance and support. Sometimes though we look for support in the wrong places and from the wrong people. Some people aren’t capable of giving us the type of love and validation we need and deserve. Know the difference. Know the difference between who can help us and who can continue to damage us. 

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