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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Are You The Whole Package?

I was talking to a friend about this. What we need in a companion. If we’re the whole package and I swear a voice came into my head. It said we don’t need validation from others when we just need validation from ourselves. 

The journey of dating or divorce or second time around is tricky. You tend to fall for people who are either completely opposites or completely the same from past relationships. You also tend to look for red flags or over look red flags that remind you of past relationships.  

So what do I suggest?

Be alone. 

Listen we’re never really alone BUT when you don’t jump from relationship to relationship you get to really think about what you want in a companion. You tend to create your own package. 

No no one is perfect but you can be picky. You can save your energy and time for people who are worth it and value you for it. 

So what’s the whole package to you?

It’s different than mine or anyone else’s. We all need different things. I always say what I want is simple but yet I haven’t completely found it. Have you?

My package isn’t simple even though I act like it is.  He needs to be a certain guy. Confident. Secure. Hardworking. Happy. Love kids and has kids.  Reliable and dependable. Have the same interests as me. Funny. Takes care of himself. Doesn’t want to change me. Accepts all of me. Likes to dance and try new adventures. Outgoing and strong yet sweet and gentle. He must love his job and his choices in life. He can’t be jealous or insecure. He can’t be aggressive or forceful. He has to be confident in himself. Trustworthy and honest. He has to be able to let me vent to him and listen. We need to be able to communicate well when we face confrontation. 

I laugh as I write this because it’s like asking for a perfect guy that may not exist but I swear there has to be someone close to this. 

Now your turn...what’s your whole package person?

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