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Friday, March 13, 2020

Can You Talk?

It’s been a week of events. At one point I took three calls one after another. My daughter looked at me and said omg what’s going on. 

It’s ok I said. Everyone just needed to vent to me but they are ok. Wow mom she said you help a lot of people. 

I gratefully have amazing people in my life. Therefore I return the favor always. I have a lot to repay to people. 

The calls were hard. Stressful. Their tone in their voices still linger in my mind. Telling me their diagnosis with cancer. One voice filled with fear over a heart attack, another stressed in preparation for the closure of schools another for support on a new position and waiting for a call. Reassuring everyone it’s ok. I am here for you. What can I do to help. Was always my response. 

I didn’t realize it until today. Tears shed. Hugs given. Support and thank yous. I just need to let you know they all said....

When was the last time you took the time to be there for someone. I am forever grateful for my people. My go to’s. Be that person for others too. 

Today a friend texted me this and I laughed. 

“The J I know is not afraid of a fking thing” 

I didn’t get that way overnight. The power of support around me helped me be who I am.  Be that person for others too so they too can face anything. Be strong enough to offer love and support to your people too. 

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