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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Maybe Just Maybe This Is Teaching Us Something

We all live a complicated life. Fast paced. We spend too much. We do too much. We don’t realize it until it all stops. Comes to a halt. When we have to stay put. Cook meals. Stay in. Bond with those around us. Where we don’t have distractions. 

It’s teaching us something. Not sure yet what but it is. It’s teaching us to live with less. To love more. To appreciate the good. Warm weather means we can go outside and go for a walk. A funny text makes us smile. Good company distracts the time. 

People have been kinder. Patient. Helpful. 

We don’t need a global virus to teach us or do we. Maybe just maybe we all can learn something. 

For those who pass it’s heartbreaking. For those who survived grow from this. 💗

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