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Thursday, March 5, 2020

When In Doubt....Communicate

Communication is so key and I don’t mean yelling or arguing. Don’t always assume. I swear this week my eyes opened up a lot and changed. All from one conversation. A simple conversation with someone I had in my life for years. One simple conversation changed our whole dynamic. I am super happy but I swear I can’t believe it took this long to have it. 

Communication is always so hard for people especially in a relationship.  Screw it. Just have it. Talk. Don’t hold back. Don’t assume and do it in person always. I know everything happens for a reason and it’s right timing but really my whole outlook changed from someone I had infront of me all along. 

Will it last. Who knows. Will it be something we both need for the future to come, who knows. But I will tell you if we had this discussion back when we met maybe just maybe we wouldn’t have had to wait so long to be at peace and where we are at today. 

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