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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Easter Crafts

By now we would have had a huge egg hunt. Been to egg hunts. Had breakfast with the Easter bunny. I swear I almost forgot to even do their baskets. I finally ordered ones because I didn’t have the mindset to actually go in a store and make one for them. Not because I didn’t care or have time. Funny time. Trust me I have the time but because my mind isn’t there. 

So I had to toughen up I ordered baskets. I took out Crafts and I said let’s get in the Easter spirit. 

We plan on making Easter bread this week and coloring eggs. We will also make homemade pasta and a lasagna. We need to try to adapt to our new norm. Things are changing for everyone but we have to still see the good in our day. We cannot stop living. 

Please don’t fall apart. Please try to make the best of your situation. Please try to keep traditions alive. This is our new norm for now. Embrace it. 

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