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Sunday, April 12, 2020

When Did You Feel Like You Again?

I was speaking to someone and he said you know when you kept asking me what’s wrong. I don’t know. But this last week I haven’t been myself.

Which was funny because I kept calling him out on it. My intuition was spot on. He said I don’t know why. I said well our routine had been off. We don’t have structure. Our lives have changed. 

I felt it too. I was literally crawling out of my skin from the lack of routine. I had to refocus. He had to refocus. 

It helps talking it out. He went on to admit the last three months prior to this he was finally content and happy and himself. After years he was finally himself again. I joked it was because of me but reality is I get it. I was too.

There’s moments in your life you lose yourself. You have to regroup and then you become happy again. Content. Satisfied with your life. I was happy for him. I understood it. I was myself again too. Then we go into quarantine and everyone the first two weeks went numb. We just had to process what was happening. Then we start to adjust to a new “norm”. 

We live in fear and it’s hard. But the beauty is we know this won’t last forever. But our lessons do. 

Being content and happy and living a simple life is rewarding. 

I have what I need right now. All my avenues are being met. Can they improve. Absolutely. Am I grateful. Absolutely 

There will be times. Especially now where you we don’t feel like ourselves. That we get in a funk. Please be sure to create a new routine. To have happy moments. To have conversations when you need to. 

It’s so important to have people in your life you can communicate with. I have known this guy for years. These last couple of months our dialogue changed so much. It’s like meeting eachother all over again. I must admit it’s awesome. Easy. Simple. 

Shouldn’t everything in life be awesome. Easy. Simple? 

I think so!

I hope you’re adjusting to your new norm. I also hope you know it’s temporary. Find beauty in the little things. Simple things. 

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