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Thursday, October 8, 2020

My Morning Workout: Stacking Wood

I love the sight of this. I grew up with a wood burning stove. My old house had a wood burning stove and just seeing wood reminds me of it. A wood burning stove probably the first thing I will buy when I get my next house. 

But for now it’s for a fire pit and wood burning pizza oven. It will do. There’s something about being independent. I stacked two cords of wood that was delivered and there’s something doing it that empowered me. 

There’s also something so amazing about a fire. It’s so peaceful and warm and the smell of it. It all just comforts me. Maybe because it reminds me of my past and growing up. Maybe because no other heat source can warm you up like a fire. Maybe it’s the cracklings noise. Whatever it is I am a huge fan. 

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