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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

It’s Date Night! Happily Co Date Box

With Covid you have to be creative to add some fun to your life. One concept we started was date night boxes. You get a box a month to have a fun date. You can break it up or do it all in one night. 

This month box contains:

Instead of tea you can be creative and do spiked Egg Nog or hot toddy’s. 

The best part is you and your partner/spouse take a little quiz together to determine the best type of date nights you would enjoy together. 

This box is a detective game- ironically and then tea and scones and even a date night play list to play music. We have to bake it together play games and enjoy a nice night in. 

Be sure to date someone who enjoys the same adventures and activities as you do. Be sure to keep your relationship fun and spontaneous. Be sure to enjoy the little moments in life. 

Learn more here

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