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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Game Night : Googly Eyes

I didn’t have any meetings planned so I took advantage of the opportunity to have some fun with the kids. I used to be really into board games with them then we took a break now we are back on the band wagon. 

Last night we played Googly Eyes.

It’s a lot of fun. It’s like Pictionary but you have to wear these glasses with different distorted lens while you’re trying to draw. It’s pretty funny. 

My mom joined us and asked how difficult can it be. Well when she put on the glasses she went to grab the pen and instead grabbed the pen top to write with. 

Needles to say it’s not easy to draw while the images are all distorted. There are three different difficulties you can land on and you have to change the lens to match the card. Yellow is easy. Green is medium. Blue is hard. 

You also have a set timer. You get 15 secs for easy. 30 secs for medium and 45 secs for hard. 

Check it out if you’re looking for a fun game with the kids. 

What games do you recommend?

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