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Sunday, January 10, 2021

What’s Your Word?

I keep seeing this. Over and over. Articles. Posts. Even the image above is from a post I saw. So I finally jumped on the bandwagon and thought about it. 

What’s my word for 2021? I don’t think it’s so much of the word but the result. What do you want for this year or change for your life? When you think of your life what word shows up. 

Enough was mine. It’s all enough. I want to accept things fully as being enough. I am enough. Everything around me enough. My relationship is enough. My duties as a parent and worker is enough. 

Meaning it’s the best of me and I will know it’s enough. I have all I need and want at this time in my life. This chapter. I have enough. I am not going to strive to get more material things or push myself to exhaustion. I am already enough. You’re enough too. 

I have just the right amount of things. 

I never thought I would reference to it like that. Just the word kept coming up in my mind. Enough. I have just enough to make me feel completely whole. Not lacking. Not too much. Just enough. 

It actually feels amazing to say that. 

*Meaning of Enough: 1 : in or to a degree or quantity that satisfies or that is sufficient or necessary for satisfaction : sufficiently. 2 : fully, quite he is qualified enough for the position. 3 : in a tolerable degree she sang well enough

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