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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Monkey See Monkey Do...Oh The Memories

It’s funny how something so small can bring back so many memories. I found this in my car yesterday. It brought me back to my trip to visit my best friend when she lived in Massachusetts. 

It was the best weekend we could of had. We ended up eating an early dinner at a Chinese restaurant. Where we drank fish bowls. Later the place turned into a karaoke bar and then late night it was a night club. We stayed for hours. Laughing. Drinking. Singing. Dancing. Eating. 

Memories are made to help bring happiness to our lives. Everyday is some BS to face. Responsibility. Outside drama. Chaos. 

It’s unavoidable. 

But happiness. That’s created. It’s created from little experiences and big experiences. Embrace that. 

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