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Friday, February 5, 2021

What’s Your Communication Style?

What makes a great communicator? Video by Mark Groves. 

I love his posts. They are realistic yet we overlook these things and need a reminder. 

Providing a healthy safe space for someone to be honest and open is important. How you start the discussion is so important. If you start aggressive it will end aggressive. 

I usually start off with can we discuss something that has been bothering me or can I say something without you being offended. That second part may not be my best approach because normally that means I think it will offend them. I always try to use a soft approach because I want to be heard. When we act emotional we are only seeing the emotion. No one is listening to our words. 

Most relationships fail or have issues based on how they communicate. Lack of or too aggressive and defensive. Learn to change that. Relationships will have conflict but it can be healthy conflict. 

Think of the last argument or discussion you had. What tone was it when it started and when it ended?

Are you being heard? Are you hearing the other person?

When you’re not or they are not being heard that is when frustration occurs and emotions arise. Usually anger sets in. 

Being heard is the most validating thing you can do for your partner or anyone really you’re having a disagreement with. Making them feel heard not meaning you agree but you’re actually hearing them is powerful. It doesn’t add ammo to the fight. It diminishes it. If you become defensive then they become defensive or feel you’re not providing a safe place for them to discuss what’s bothering them. 

Learn how to communicate better. Trust me it helps so much. It makes you better too. 

Listen to Mark’s video here 

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