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Thursday, April 1, 2021

8 Years....Today

Today marks 8 years being Cancer free.  This is the first year I wasn't emotional about it. I think because I am finally at a really happy good place in my life. My experience with cancer was indifferent. It was NOT an easy time in my life and then add cancer into it. I just didn't have time to deal with it. I did what the doctors said and went on with my life. It is always the moment after. When you survived the trauma that you feel.

Legit feel. I will tell ya not everyone can be helpful when someone is in pain. I had a lot of support from my family and my ex family. But my house situation was not in the right mindset to be what I needed so I never coped until after. After all was said and done I faced my journey of having cancer.

Now whenever someone is dealing with cancer close to me I beg them to feel. To allow people to help them. To make sure their companion is supportive. It is so critical. I am grateful for the help I did have but my cancer came at a dark point  in my life so now I will not cry about it. I instead am grateful for coming out of it. Stronger. Wiser. Better.

Every morning I wake up, roll over and pop a magic pill that keeps me alive and going. Every single morning. I am grateful for that pill. I am grateful for this life I have. 

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