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Sunday, June 6, 2021

When You Know You Picked The Right One

It’s not just about strawberry picking or is it? 

This picture is perfect not because I love him so much it’s because I remember when I entered the dating world. I didn’t date for 20 yrs prior to it so I was clueless and I started to think about what I wanted. 

I didn’t think what I wanted was asking for much. It’s true when they say you were just asking the wrong person. 

All I wanted was good company. Someone who would love and respect me and my kids and enjoy their time with me and my family. 

I remember I was seeing someone for six months and when we broke up we stayed friends. I said I just want to meet someone to go strawberry picking again. He replied good luck finding that. Men don’t do that after divorce and dating again. I didn’t believe him but it did stay in the back of my mind. 

I never thought my request was a big deal. I mean who doesn’t like eating fresh fruit but it wasn’t about that. It was about finding someone who will have fun with you no matter what you’re doing. 

Whether you’re home or riding around or picking fruit. It wouldn’t matter as long as you enjoyed their company and they enjoyed yours. 

I knew I picked the right one when I asked if he wanted to join us and he said yes without any hesitation. It wasn’t because he wanted strawberries. Well maybe. But really it was because it was a fun activity for him to do with me and my family and that’s all I have been looking for all along. 

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