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Thursday, November 4, 2021

When Things Don’t Go As Planned

I love this but seriously just yesterday morning I got fed up and said why do things have to be complicated. The week was full of great news and then followed by emotional roller coaster rides. What is this teaching me…

Finally I said Patience. 

Life happens. 

Every night when I am not with my boyfriend  and my kids are in bed we talk for hours. HOURS. This is someone I see a lot. Talk to a lot and every night we have hours of things to talk about when we aren’t together. That’s how busy life is. That’s how much things are going on. I don’t even realize it until we recap our days. 

Life is full of ups and downs. The reason for it is to teach us patience. To adjust. To know not everything has to be a problem. Relax. Slow down. Things work out when you approach it without stress or drama. 

I received a lot of great news this week. My daughter got into Academically Talent. A trip that was on hold for work is going forward and I am excited. I spent great solo time with my oldest daughter. All the stressful events did happen but taught me something and to honestly it helped me appreciate all the great things. 

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