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Saturday, December 4, 2021

Love Your Kids A Little More

There’s been events taken place at our local schools that really tugged at my heart this week. Fear the kids faced and parents really makes you stop and push to love your kids a little more. To hold them a little tighter. To want to heal those that are broken so they don’t do anything to hurt anyone because they are hurting. 

As parents we don’t realize how damaging some kids can be or get. How our words and actions can push them to hurt. How we should never overlook anything and always be supportive and have an open level of communication with them. 

Please love your children a little more this week. They need it. We need it. And to all the parents who had their children witness lockdown this week I am sorry you faced that fear. I am sorry your kids did too. No parent or child should ever fear them not being safe. 

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