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Thursday, January 13, 2022

It’s Ok To Feel The Way You Feel

Plans changed and I was able to pick up my little ones from school. My youngest wasn’t very happy. She was expecting my parents to get her and a random request to try Taco Bell which I wasn’t agreeing to and that all lead to her spiral meltdown. 

She started off disappointed, then mad, then mean, and even meaner and then sad and tears flowed. She then became apologetic. I am not lying to you when I say this all happened within a 6 minute drive home. 6 minutes. 

At first I was understanding. Then I wasn’t. At the end ipad was taken away and an apology letter for me was requested. 

Then something happened. She stopped. Looked at me and said I am sorry. I am hungry. 

Due to Covid snack time has been taken away in their class due to risk of exposure with masks off in class. 

I get it. It’s a long day. I would be hungry too. I looked at her and said I understand but that’s all you had to say. “Mom I am hungry” or  “Mom I am moody because I am tired or disappointed you came to get me verse my grandparents” Etc. 

She hugged me. Chose to write me an apology note and read it to me while I made her a snack. 

I told her it’s ok to feel a certain way she just can’t take it out of people because she feels that way. You can’t be mean to others just because you don’t feel ok. Or are mad or sad or hungry or disappointed. 

I think adults need this reminder too. So this post is for you. Really. It’s for the adults who still haven’t learned this. 

Our job as parents is to read between the lines to figure out what’s really wrong with our kids and to teach them how to handle those emotions. It’s so they don’t become adults who act this way. 

I see it a lot. I see it with all different ages and genders. People being snappy or too overly emotional. It’s a bad look. It’s emotional intelligence which many have yet to achieve. It’s behavior that can fortunately be changed and fixed and corrected. You need to first be able to recognize it. 

Take the time to do so and help those around you who need guidance. 

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