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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Find Someone Who Says Let’s Work Through It Together

I am not used to calmness. I didn’t grow up around it. My first marriage wasn’t it. We are Italian. Loud. Calmness happens only when people sleep. 

I worked on creating calmness around me. For me and for my kids. It helps clear the mind. Find peace. Happiness. Calmness is not boring. 

My boyfriend is super calm. Extremely calm. It takes a lot to push him over the edge. He doesn’t let things bother him. Ever. 

I love that. I truly admire it. 

Women aren’t always calm. We have this weakness in us. Emotions. We overthink. We over feel. I am on the calmer side for sure. At my age I have seen some crazy things and some crazy women. I am not like that. 

I am not that at all. BUT I have triggers. When I am triggered I have to work out that feeling. Understand it. I need to or else it eats me up. It literally makes me feel sick to my stomach. 

Over the weekend there was a situation. I discussed it with my boyfriend. I was triggered. Nothing he caused but I reacted to him on it and do you know what he said to me. A man in his mid forties. Doesn’t owe me anything. Just loves me. Do you know what he said….

He said I will help you work on that trigger. Let’s work on it together. 

Have you ever had someone say that to you? I haven’t. Ever. I never had a man say ok lady stop being crazy and I will help you. I may have heard the stop being crazy but never I will help you. 

He said that to me. He said let’s work on it together. I was speechless. 

Because it’s not his problem or anything he caused but he sees I have a weakness and he loves me and is willing to work on it with me so that trigger can go away. 

Love isn’t something that you find only when you’re young. You can have multiple loves of your life at different times in your lifetime. I found this guy later in life who shocks me all the time. 

I want you to be that person for someone else too. I want you to be sure to be with someone who would say to you what he said to me. After 41 years I have someone in my life willing to work on something with me that has nothing to do with him. That’s love. That’s friendship and that alone makes me want to love him forever. 

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