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Friday, December 23, 2022

It’s About Creating Memories…Not Perfection

I feel this sums up me. I am not perfect. I make mistakes and can lose my mind at times. I am not the best baker or wrapper. I don’t even care. Sometimes plans don’t go the way I want them to and things change. But all the kids in my life are making some awesome memories and that is worth it all. 

My oldest has been really sentimental lately. She keeps saying mom when I am older and have a family I am going to do what you do with us. I am also going to still come over too and bake with you and make gingerbread cookies and celebrate all the holidays with fun crafts like you do with us. I said absolutely and I will love to still do them with all of you and my grandchildren one day. 

A perfect example:

Today they didn’t have school. I asked her what made her feel this way all of the sudden and she said because she’s getting older and realizes not everyone does the traditions we do. Not everyone gets to have these experiences and I am grateful I do. 

So we make our holiday pancakes since no school and she smiled the whole time. Our pancakes did NOT come out perfect but being with them was perfect! 

Parents don’t get kids don’t need us forever. Cherish the days you have them. Make the memories. Don’t expect perfection. There is no such a thing!

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