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Monday, January 30, 2023

How Far We Have Come

I have known her for years and then we dated friends and became really close. Once those relationships ended she reached out. It was perfect. She helped me get through some really hard times. We partied and laughed and cried and created some great memories. 

We lost touch and reconnected again and this time I look back on who we were years ago to who we are now. 

Our relationships now are so stable. We both found two great guys who really are perfect for us. Who make us feel like no one ever had. Heard. Seen. Respected. Valued. 

I mean we are fine on our own. That was one thing we truly learned but to meet nice men who love us. That’s icing on the cake. 

We randomly text words of affirmation and she’s not like anyone I ever met. She’s unique. Special. A ray of sunshine. 

This picture was from three years ago and popped up as a memory. When we were two girls just trying to find ourselves, love and happiness. Embrace life and everything that was coming at us. Mend our broken hearts. I wish we could tell those girls life is just going to get better. Glad it did! 

Never underestimate the value of anyone in your life. 

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