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Thursday, January 19, 2023

Sit With Things Before You React

I love listening to the Angry Therapist. On his recent post he talks about lessons he wish he knew when younger. A lot I already knew but he said one thing that stood out. Sit with things before reacting. 

Ironically this picture then popped up on my phone as a memory. It was a trip we took kids to Vermont in 2021. This was on top of Killington Mountain. 

Sit with things before reacting!

I have come a long way in my journey of life and this is still one I have yet to conquer. 

I don’t hold on to stuff. BUT when I am upset in the moment I have to talk about it and at times I come off strong. If I don’t discuss it I create scenarios in my head and it’s worse. I have to learn to sort it out alone first. Realistically. Because I already have the control to let go of it fast after we discuss things but in the moment I could explode inside even I don’t discuss it.

“Try to understand before being understood.”  It’s not easy! But I know it’s something I myself have to work on. 

How do you react to things? What would YOU tell your younger self?

Listen to his advice here 

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