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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Reading: One Day My Soul Just Opened Up

I decided to do some Soul searching. From reading my previous posts you can tell I am a believer of signs and happiness and I have been in a little funk and thought it was time to do some Soul Searching.

We all come to a point in our lives when what we have just does not seem to be enough or where we are at is not where we thought we would be or for some reason even though we have so much we still feel like we are missing something. I mean maybe it is a better job, a bigger house, more children, or just more happiness in our day-to-day routine.

So I began to reread One Day My Soul Just Opened Up by Iyanla Vanzant. By rereading I mean a couple of years ago before I had  my daughter I was in a funk, I lost my job because my company closed, I was involved in a really terrible accident-luckily no one was hurt too bad and I could not get pregnant. I needed a reminder that I was in charge of my happiness. So I read this book and followed their steps and woke up knowing that things would get better and by having that mind set things did get better.

I just started to reading this book again and already realized that I love to write and stopped looking for publishers for my two novels and am down on myself about it so I want to start that up again- also I need to finish the other two I started to write. I realized that I do want another child- my daughter needs a playmate and she would make a great big sister. I realized that I need to have a better work schedule, I need to go to the gym more- I have been only going two times a week and that is not enough. Most importantly I realized that I need to  find things to do on the weekends with my family that involve us three as a family.

If you need a reminder of how to deal with things or some inspiration then this is the book to read.

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