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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

True Intentions

I have this one person in my life that is not quiet happy for anyone unless they are happy. I hate to admit it and personally think it is a sad thing. For a while I thought deep down they had good intentions but don't know how to really show it, so they behave in a strange way.  Well I notice they are coming around more and it just so happens that things are looking up for them. It is tough not to look past the things they have done in the past when they were not in a good place and to restart a relationship. Even though their current actions are kind I somehow can not help to think their intentions are not true.

Then again I know we are all guilty of it. How many of us do things without the right intentions in mind?!  How many of us do things without the intentions of it resulting in a negative way? Sometime we do things without really knowing what our intentions truly are!

"We judge others by their behavior. We judge ourselves by our intentions.” Ian Percy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As ture christians we know that everyone is different. Knowing this we are challenged to acccept them as they are. As you say we all have faults, but we need to accept each other and repect each other for what we are.

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