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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Goya Yellow Rice- Great Side Dish

I love arroz con pollo, for some strange reason I crave it once in a while and this dish helps satisfy my craving- now the best arroz con pollo I ever had was at my buddies' house in high school. His family would always make it at their gatherings so this recipe does not do theirs justice but it is the closes I can get to making a quick and easy sided dish/dinner.

Side Dish Recipe:
  • Package of  Goya Yellow Rice
  • Half a bag of frozen peas
  • Chopped up onion- about a two tablespoons
  • Tablespoon of Olive Oil

Saute' the chopped up onions, add peas, salt and pepper. Once cooked pour into the yellow rice mix before you cook it. Follow instructions on  back of the Goya Yellow Rice package. Serve as a side dish with any meal * You can always add shredded chicken and this side dish is now a complete meal, making it taste even more like arroz con pollo! YUM!

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