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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Who I am

If you happen to bump into me on the street you may only see me for what you think I am. If you come into my home you'll have to watch your step because there will be blocks, and toys in your way. You'll notice my office is now a play room filled with toys. If you sit on my couch I am sure if you lift a cushion you'll find goldfish or Cheerios hiding below.

I never watch the news nor know what the weather is like because Nick Jr or Dora is always on. My cabinets are filled with tiny forks, sippy cups and plastic little bowls. My pantry is filled with snacks that are bite sized.

Every night before I go to bed I pull up the sheets and find a tiny little sock or a Dora doll. On the nightstand where my books once where now have toddler books stocked up high. I fall asleep watching the baby monitor and every morning instead of waking up to an alarm clock I wake up to a tiny voice calling my name.

See I am a mother, those gray hairs on my head are from old age and bags and wrinkles under my eyes are not from being "me", they are from being a mother, they are my marks from laughing so much and the smile my face always has on when I am with my daughter.  I am a mother, and when I am not home or when I am alone I can be "me", but that is not who I really am. I am really a mother who has been blessed with a child.

So if you see me on the street and I happen to not smile, it is not because I am not happy, it is probably because I am thinking of my daughter and all the things I have to do before I get home. From the day my daughter was born I was no longer "me" I became a mother and I am grateful for that everyday!

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