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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

It's Easy To Loose Your Mind

Last week was a lot of work for me.  I usually get a break a couple hours a day where I can work, the house is quiet and I run around to get stuff done. 

Not last week. 

My little ones spent most of the week with me while I juggled work, being Mom, the first week of school and keeping the house in order. WAS NOT EASY! 

My almost breaking point...she played with her dirty diaper instead of taking her nap. It never happened with my other two. I paused for a second and was in shock. It was all over her and the crib and floor.  I took deep breaths and bathed her THREE times. My husband was on his way home and took her crib apart and cleaned EVERYTHING!

I showered again after all was cleaned too. I took a break and went out with my sister for drinks. That really helped! I almost stayed out but knew I had to come back and be Mom. (of course I would come back...eventually)

It's easy to loose your mind. At that moment you want to scream. I just kept it together and took it out later on drinks. Although I do not recommend that is the best stress-releaser for everyone, did work for me, I do recommend TAKING A TIME OUT!

We all know we need them and how often do we do it? I can now look back and laugh about it. Thank goodness. I also learned never to put your kid to sleep in just a diaper. Always have back up sitters available. And take off your super power cape because we are all human and there is just so much one person can take.


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