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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Are You Happy For You or Those Around You?

I asked a friend this. They responded “good question”. 

See we tend to think if we do what others want us to do we will be happy. Not ok.  We can’t sacrifice our happiness to please others. Now being selfish and selfless are two different things. They give you two different results in life. One makes you content with some guilt.  Other makes others content at the cost of something on your end. 

We all have made some selfish decisions in our life. I get it and being concerned with others is always important. But at what cost to your own happiness and fulfillment of life. What are you willing to let go of to make others happy? What have you let go of to make
others happy? What hurt did you cause yourself?

I found this article it’s really fascinating and on point. Take the time to really read it and begin your true quest to being happy. 

25 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Happy

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