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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father's Day To All The Men In Your Life & Mine

Men at times are under appreciated...I know I know women do not get mad, let's admit it. We all know men need guidance, a woman's love, help with daily tasks and need a woman's touch. Men live for danger and adventure. They get bored easily, like to be the protector. Men need to be desired, yet not smothered or mothered. Men thrive on feeling like a king and if you treat them like so they will treat you like a Queen. All jokes aside a good man isn't hard to find. A unwounded man is. Let's raise them to be good people. Let's appreciate the good men who are good father's to our kids. Let's appreciate what men do for us. They aren't like women, they are unique, sensual, creatures. 

Enjoy the men in your life and appreciate the Father's in your life; your husbands, brothers, fathers, cousins, ex husbands whomever.

Happy Father's Day to them all!

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