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Friday, July 19, 2019

What Are You Holding On To?

They say whatever you do in life you give up something to gain something else. Is it a desire? A lust? A need?

Only you can answer it. Only you have the power to say I am going to let go to pursue happiness. I spoke to a friend I care a lot about. Torn in their current situation. Of course I am not the one to give them the best advice. My emotions get in the way of logic. But one logical comment I said was you have been hurt a lot and you lost trust. It’s normal to resist. Trust is hard to regain. 

I walked away from a situation that didn’t emotionally make me feel good. Trust was gone. Hurt was present. I didn’t stay. I didn’t stay because I knew I could never allow that person back in. Trust was gone. 

You have to think about the same thing. What are you holding on to? Is it fixable? Do you want to even fix it. What are you giving up instead? What’s your heart really telling you it wants?

Everyone is different. We all settle in life. We all give up something to gain something else.

Some may ask What are you losing by staying. What are you losing by leaving. Whatever it is you have to focus 100%. Too many people get hurt if you don’t. 

What about saying I want to be happy. I am sorry whoever doesn’t understand it. In time they will. How about stop making excuses and for once say I will do what I want and to do. 

Self love and self respect is only something you can make a priority. Don’t be sad. You can change your life at any moment. You can give yourself the life you truly deserve. I did. 

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