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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Don’t React

I didn’t want to say what bothered me anymore. I felt at this point if they didn’t know it was pointless. I wasn’t mad. I was hurt. Hurt from being ignored. 

It’s a pet peeve of mine. Every time I say why does it trigger me everyone responds because no one likes
being ignored. 

I can’t stand when my kids do it too. When I ask
them to do something  or to behave and no response. Like I didn’t exist. Like being invisible. Not having a voice. 

Now somewhere deep in me there’s a reason why being “ignored, not heard, not responded to” triggers something in me. I am still digging. But have let go of things that bring out a similar emotion in me. It’s not ok. I won’t and you too shouldn’t fight to be heard or understood or seen. 

You have a voice. You aren’t invisible. You can’t be ignored. It’s not ok for someone to do it to you. 

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