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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Trust It...All Of It

Ask anyone. They lack something in life. It’s normal. No one can say “nope my life is perfect” BUT you can say it’s 90% there and well I’ll take it. Anything under 90% needs work. 

I was with someone for twenty years of my life. I went from my parents to college to moving in with my ex. Yeah we had great times. Raised three kids and well then the 90% dropped. Every time it dropped I became a little stronger to walk away. 

Today I am probably the happiest I have ever been. Why because it’s new. It’s exciting. I am single. Life is what I want it to be. I started to embrace my journey. Wanna walk go for a walk. Want to stay home then stay home. Want to travel then go travel. Keep in mind this mindset is for when I don’t have my girls. When I do have my kids I am 100% Mom. It’s about them. But the other time it’s me. What I want. What I need. 

I kind of like this life. I am sorry I mean LOVE this life and you should too. 

So let’s talk about this universe things. You know the law of attraction. The waking up. Work hard. Be good. Be kind. Love. Be happy. Attract positive everyday. 

It’s been an abundance lately. Maybe I am simple. Maybe not. Maybe waking up and going to bed 90% happy has helped me. 

I landed a small new client. I got called to two focus groups. One I got paid to leave since it was full and they didn’t need me anymore. I have amazing family and friends in my life. I have something fun and exciting happening all the time. I am living a life for me. What makes me happy. 

We need happy people in the world. Are you happy? You need to be happy. So yeah maybe that 10% will come. Maybe it won’t. But damn this life. This life is good. 

Can it change. Maybe. But I am not worried about it. And I don’t want you to worry about it either. I want you to be happy. I want you to enjoy 90% of your life. Please do it for you. For me. For your kids. For your family. For the universe. 

The universe needs happy people. Attract and receive. Trust me. 

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