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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Who Has Impacted Your Life?

There’s this book that popped into my mind today, The Five People You Meet In Heaven. If you haven’t read this book you need to. It’s a wonderful story about a man’s journey. He passes and five people who impacted his life he meets in heaven. Some he didn’t even know he impacted. 

Read some here 

I thought of it because it made me think of all the people who have come into my life these last two years. After my divorce journey I have met a ton of people. No not just men. Women too. Friends. People who all taught me something. Even if it was something so small as to why the wind dies down at night. They all taught me a lesson. Now when I am with them whenever I had an “aha moment.” I knew my journey with them was over. Some we held on to too long. Some we easily let go. 

Now think about YOUR life. Who taught you something. Who impacted you. Those people are special. Even if it was just in passing. Those people impacted your life. Sometimes more so than someone who has been in your life forever. You may not realize it but today I want you to take the time and focus everyone who comes into contact with you. How they make you feel. How your heart and soul feels around them. How many “aha moments” you get. 

Think about it and feel free to message me with your experience. 

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