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Friday, October 4, 2019

Clean Bill Of Health Thanks Doc

I love my doctor. He’s probably 10 years older than me. He’s funny and real. So I have my physical today and he asks if any concerns. Of course I bring up weight loss and tactics. He’s like listen to be honest you’re in perfect health. Your cholesterol changed drastically since April. Your sugar levels are perfect. Everything came back normal. You’re perfect. Now if you want to loose weight it’s not about the number. It’s about having a healthier lifestyle. Promise to not look at scale. 

Well let’s not get carried away. I told my Mom she’s like see what happens when you’re happy. What changed in a year or 6 months? No drama. No stress. You’re happy. 

So maybe it’s a lifestyle change. Maybe it’s a diet. Maybe it is being happy. Maybe it’s being calm. Regardless I am one happy and grateful gal. 

Being happy is key. Life is so up and down. Remove any drama or stress. Just be happy. 

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