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Friday, October 4, 2019

You Have To Try To Bond Whenever Possible

She’s at this age. It’s so much fun. Even though I look at her like my baby girl. She’s almost 11. We are sort of buddies. Our dialogue can be really fun. We started watching shows together. So last night I am on the other side of the house and she texts me. Her dialogue is in grey. 

She likes to push my buttons and I try to show my funny side to get her to laugh. You’re not cool mom she says. I always respond just ask my friends they think I am.  

You have to bond with your kids. You have to have conversations. We were laying down watching a random show and she starts talking. About random things. I always ask so how did that make you feel. I never had that dialogue growing up. I was the kid. It’s normal to not have it but now a days it’s different.

Kids deal with so much more. Social media can suck. Body changes. Circumstances are so different. I have to stay on top of the situation whenever I can. So bonding has worked. It gives us alone time. She feels like my peer even though at times I check her on it.  I am the mom. I tell her we aren’t friends, yet. I need her to take me serious even though I make an effort. 

I am a mom of three. It’s not easy. It’s hard to be there for each of them all the time. But I try hard. I notice certain times of the day they open up. I try to make note of it. They all need different things but they also all need the same things. To be heard and noticed and loved.  That’s all I can do. 

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