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Thursday, October 3, 2019

You Go Girl...

Of course we all want someone to take care of us. I had a friend who was sick and it was so foreign to me when someone suggested to bring him medicine. I was like um isn’t that what companions do? Don’t we help eachother. Lookout for eachother. Now there are situations where someone is the giver and someone is the taker. There has to be a balance. A give and take situation. 

Now when you’re alone. You take care of you. You don’t depend on anyone. Yes it’s nice when someone suggests to help you but you’re alone. You figure stuff out alone and well it’s empowering. It builds you’re character. 

I met a ton of people who says wow you’re different. You’re a cool girl who gets it. I get it because I have been through a lot. I have faced a lot and seen a lot and now just try to keep things real. 

We all have the survival in us. To be able to be alone and depend on ourselves for happiness. For gratification. For self love. 

No one wants to be alone forever but in the mean time it’s pretty powerful doing things for yourself and be whole while single. Anyone else is just an addition. I don’t want to need someone. I want to want someone. There’s a difference. 

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