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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Are You In The Holiday Spirit?

Over the years it took me time to get back into it. I then remembered some of my best times was when I embraced the holiday season. I made it a goal this year. I know the holidays brings up painful memories and sadness but it also can add some magic. So I am not saying get over pain because I too have pain. I am saying life is short. You have to love where you are at in life. Who you’re with in life. What’s around you. 

The holidays can be magical even if you’re not a couple or dating or single. Even if you’re doing it solo or not with the person you thought you would be with. It’s actually easier at times and you can be a bit selfish. You do what you want. But in reality the kids light up with joy and everywhere you turn there is a festive activity to go to or do. 

It can be magical because it really gives us hope.  I hope it gives you hope too and know that even if you don’t know it you are loved. Someone out there is loving you from a distance too. 

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