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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Rockefeller Center & The Elgin

All I wanted to do was see the tree. I got so much more than that. It was awesome. So it’s crazy busy in this area. Be on guard. A lot of tourist. Both of our phones die. I said let’s just go to a spot. Charge up and warm up. 

We walk into The Elgin. This place was picture perfect. I walk in front and take it all in. It’s magical. Beautiful. White lights. So pretty. The hostess was amazing. She charged my phone and helped us find seats at the bar. We order a spiked cider and Irish coffee. We order dessert and hung out. This spot really made it feel like the holidays for me. The whole New York experience really made me feel so amazing that I have friends who want to experience it and want to go next week. 

We didn’t spend too much. We got a drink or water at all the places we stopped in. We split apps. We walked a lot and only did Uber rides when we had to. We were budget cautious yet enjoyed it all. Regardless I walked away with a happy heart. That’s priceless. I would do it all over again. It was a picture perfect day. 

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