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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Choose People Who Choose You

It’s not about feeling bad about yourself or down. It’s about being around people who bring you up. Who love you even for your little annoying habits not throw your flaws in your face. You have to choose people who look beyond your mistakes and issues. Who want you to be happy. Who support you. Those are your people. Not people who hurt you because you hurt them. 

I learned a lot this year. I learned some people are selfish. Some people will lead you on. Some people don’t care to go out of their way for you. 

I also learned about myself. Not reacting. Not trying to fix everyone. That everyone will have flaws. To treat people how you want to be treated. 

It’s about being around people who love you even on your off and bad days. That’s the people you surround yourself with in your life. 

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