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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Today Was An Off Day...Reverse Your Thoughts

I woke up early with all intentions for a great morning. My intuition was off. Something wasn’t right but I thought it was because I woke up a couple times through the night. 

I took longer to get to the gym than I anticipated. I get there start my second machine for cardio and get a call from my oldest Daughter. She sounded off. Wasn’t a big deal but she began to cry and asked if I could bring her to school. She missed me and felt off. Of course I head over to her dad’s. Everything was fine she just missed me. 

I drop her off and after I drop off her sisters. I watch my little ones all bundled and cute walk to the front of the school. They made me smile. 

Then as I approach the exit a car enters the exit as I am leaving. It’s a one way. Not something they should have done. The car speeds in the parking lot and I sort of panic. I began to drive back home but make a u turn and go back to the school. The car was gone. I kindof just sit there to make sure everything is ok. 

I come home and my mom said the highway shut down. There was an accident. She didn’t know details. 

This day has been off since I woke up I said. I explained my morning and she said pray. 

My girlfriend is very spiritual. She texts me and I ask if she was off today too. She wasn’t. She said reverse your thoughts. I said I will just sit back, meditate and reverse my thoughts. 

Now when you think something negative or bad or get anxiety you have to reverse them. Sounds silly but I swear it works. I normally reverse it by saying today will be a good. That bad feeling will reverse into something positive and everything will be ok. 

My day ended up being fine but for a minute I had to put my trust in God and a spiritual being and reverse my thoughts to change my energy flow. We all have off days. It’s normal. Just because our morning starts off wrong doesn’t mean the rest of the day has to be that way. 

Reverse your thoughts!

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