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Sunday, March 15, 2020

Let’s Get Outside It’s Basketball Time

They wanted to stay in their pajamas all day. We weren’t going anywhere so I let them. I LOVE playing basketball. I always have. I must admit I am pretty good at it. I do some crazy shots and even impress myself. We had some laughs and crazy shouting moments when my cool tricks had the ball make the hoop. 

Today we played horse. I threw in some tricks. We had a blast. Not bad for a mom approaching the big 4-0. I won one game and lost the second. My middle one is awesome at playing. She can reach the hoop with her shots with no problems. Playing was a great way for me to surpass my 10k step goal. 

Luckily this warm weather allows us to get outside and move. I took out the soccer nets. Pumped every ball with air and ran around. We did basketball. Catch. Frisbee. They did some bike time. Was good for us to be outside to get some fresh air. Be creative make this time fun. I started to bring back some things I used to do with the girls before life took over my time. 

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