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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Did You Set Your Goals?

We started this last year New Year. I wrote all of our names on a separate piece of paper and we listed some goals we had for ourselves and even suggested to others some goals they should work on. We then tape them to the fridge so they are reminders to us throughout the year. 

It’s actually a great reflection too and I am surprised my girls are ok with it. I listed mine and asked my girls what should I add to mine. Then we went around a circle and everyone did the same thing. 

It’s not to insult anyone or to make their weaknesses known. It’s about accepting we always are a work in progress and should always find was to better ourselves. 

Mine were to practice more mindfulness, increase physical activities, do more yoga and be more patient and understanding.  

What goals did you set for yourself? It doesn’t have to be in the New year. It can be every week or month or whatever you like. Just always be sure to work on bettering yourself so you can better the people around you and be better for the people around you. 

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