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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Let’s Play Chess

I haven’t played in over 25 years. Weird right? I just never had the opportunity. My uncle used to play so when my boyfriend told me he’s been playing since he was in the Navy I said I would like to try it again. I haven’t played in so long. 

He brought his board over and since then we have been playing. He left it at my place so I could play with my oldest. Ironically she wasn’t that interested but my little ones were. 

My middle one is pretty amazing. She’s not shy to take risks. She’s pretty aggressive in her moves. My youngest asked for me to take it easy on her which of course I did but her too understood all the moves really fast. 

Chess-a simple yet complex game. A friend said it’s easy to learn but takes a lifetime to master. I have to agree! 

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