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Friday, July 31, 2009

Recycle Tip

Did you know that your empty medicine
bottles are recyclable??

Yep, they are. After your medicine is complete just peel off the label so none of your personal information is revealed and toss it into your recycling bin. Simple right!!! Now if we all did this think about how many bottles that would add up in a week, month and year.

Do your part and Recycle :)

Creative Tip

Recycle greeting cards by cutting out phrases or images on the card and use them for your scrape booking projects.

Cartoons of 2009

Good Morning All:

I lay in bed with my baby and her cartoons are on. I love to watch her eyes light as a familiar cartoon pops on and she will even bob back and forth a little to their theme song. I grew up in the 80's and it amazes me how much has changed since them. The Mickey Mouse Club that I knew ended with " M I C- see you real soon," today it's " Hot Dog Hot Dog Hot Diggiety Dog." Amusing I must say!

My daughter is a fan of many multi cultural cartoons. I must say she loved Dora and Handy Manny from 3 months on. It is great that they speak both English and Spanish. The "tools" crack her up and I even catch myself wondering what Dora and Boots are up to next.

Right now "Blue's Clues" is on. Did you know that Blue, the dog, is a girl? Yep, she's blue. Funny Right?! Some episodes have the old Steve or new Joe.

I think the one cartoon that changed the most for me was Winnie the Pooh. "New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh" is now "My friends Tiger and Pooh". They now wear bright color outfits and solve clues. Darby, the young tom boyish girl, helps solve clues with Tiger, Pooh and her dog. You still occasionally see Piglet, Egor and Rabbit. Their theme song " Think Think" replays in my head through out the day.

I can't wait to see what the future for cartoons bring. I hope it doesn't end up that you can only access cartoons on the Internet. What a shame that would be.

Baby girl is trying to use my remote control as a pacifier so I must say my goodbyes.

Enjoy the day and stay dry- looks like a rainy day out there today!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Finish this sentence...

It's time for bed but I wanted to end this posting with a fun little exercise. So...

Finish this sentence:

Tomorrow I hope I........

Job Searchers- Keep your head up!

I dedicate this post to everyone looking for a new job. Whether you've been laid off, downsized or in search for a new direction I want to sympathize with all the job seekers out there. This job market is a tough one and boy do I have experience with looking for a job!

I think I have pretty much been in the "job searcher" mode for a long time now. Once I graduated the market place was horrible. I was a college graduate getting catering jobs. Nothing wrong with that but I was looking for a position in my major and catering was not it. I stayed in a position that had nothing to do with my major but I enjoyed the company and the people I worked with.
In 2006 I began my search again. It wasn't so bad. I landed a nice position with great pay. I was very happy. Sad to say that lasted about 17 months when the company sold.

So in Fall 2007 /Early 2008 I was back in the Market. Economy was OK. I found a job and the company was interesting to work for- I'll just leave it at that! Needless to say after maternity leave I didn't stay there.

In 2009 I start- or should I say- continue my search. I must say that people are asking for more and want to pay less for it. Wouldn't you think that they would get what they paid for. Not sure what they are thinking! Why not stay away from hiring someone new every 6 months who is under qualified and offer a decent salary and have that employee for years to come.
And benefits, what benefits. I luckily do not have to worry about that. But for those who do they are extremely important.
On the plus side everyday there are new job posting. I must say I do have a list of favorite sites I make a daily stop to. I had my share of interviews.
My biggest problem is I enjoy being a mom. I love my baby girl and watching her grow. It is the biggest job I have ever done and the reward is priceless. Would be great if I got paid to do it but I have yet to find a posting for that position!

Below are a couple of job sites I have come across:

Please help our friends with their job search and recommend some helpful sites too...

Welcome to my blog!!

Welcome to MOMMY CT
A Place Where Every Women Can Relate!

I decided to start my own blog to connect to women, whether mommies, wives or girlfriends.

I love to share my experiences of being a wife, new mom, sister and friend.
So please enjoy my posts as I share my experiences with you and hope you all share YOUR experiences with me.

Welcome to My Blog!!


A Place Where Every Woman Can Relate!