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Monday, October 10, 2016

Special Treats For All The Single Ladies

I stumbled upon this on Instagram and its pretty genius concept. Monthly care package to single women. Fun, inspiring, super cute. Check this out!

Free Books In Norwalk Libraries Saturday Oct 15th

I always bring the kids to this. It's really great for them to be able to pick out a book and take it home to read. Encourage reading with your Children. It's amazing for their imagination and speech. 

Feel Good a Song: Greenlight by Pitbull & Flo Rida

Chilly Monday!

Monday Motivation: Believe Anything Is Possible

You have to believe that great things can happen. That happiness is around the corner. That love is magical. That what's meant to be will be. It's the law of the attraction. It's magical. Don't let things just be. Believe your life is suppose to be as amazing as you want it to be. 

Happy Monday!

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A Place Where Every Woman Can Relate!