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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Terrible Two's Has Hit My Home Again & I Just Can't This Time Around

Three times a charm does not apply this time. My youngest has a bad case of terrible twos and I have lost tolerance for it. It's been going on for a month now that she had been acting out, not listing, rude, tantrums, power struggle. Then it dawned on me she's battling the terrible twos and winning while me on the other hand am losing it. 

I notice the "been there done that dealt with that and don't want to again" has been taking place with me. Third time you would think I would understand the signs and handle it like a pro NOPE. 

The time outs don't work, silent treatment, pretending to name it she will not pudge no matter what I try. So I take deep breathes. Walk away. Use the time out method and even yell at times. The only good thing is my three year old looks at me and says "I being good". Yep these tantrums make the other girls look like saints. 

Hoping this passes real soon!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

It's Like Reliving 1987 All Over Again!

Barbie Dream House

I used to LOVE playing with Barbies as a kid and it's funny to see my girls now playing with them too. 

Easy Bake Oven

This was the coolest concept as a kid especially since my mom didn't always let me bake with her. My bestfriend had one and we loved using it at play dates. Now my girls have a couple and it's funny because I let them really bake with me but they still get excited using this. 

The items are super small. Like you can eat a whole tray but it's fun for the kids to use. Just wish it was easier to store and not so large. 

Oh 2016...

Monday, December 26, 2016

No Santa Didn't Bring You A Xbox 1 & It's Ok

My eight year old asked for an Xbox 1. Therefore all season long her little sisters said they wanted one too. Every Santa they met they all said they wanted the Xbox and no Santa didn't bring it and here's why...

We live in this society that we are easily influenced by our surroundings, trends, fads. Not sure where my daughter even saw one but when she made a list I asked her why. She said it's fun mom. I asked what game would be appropriate for her to play with her little sisters and she couldn't answer it. She also put a Barbie dream house on her list. 

Now here's the comparable views on these two gifts:

The Barbie dream house enforces imaginable play. You use your creativity and play. You stimulate the brain to use a part of it that you do not use all the time. Now with this all being said I have nothing against parents who bought a gaming device for their children. Mine are too young. I still have a year or two before the gaming devices take over my household. We already have a Wii. We also already have iPads and tablets and computers that they use. I can monitor what they do on them and I have downloaded educational apps. 

Christmas Eve my husband said you know she will be disappointed when she doesn't get it. So Santa wrote her and her sisters a note. The note said they have been good and they hope they like everything they got. It also said whatever they didn't receive they will get next year. 

My daughter opened her Barbie dream house and freaked with excitement. My husband set it up and the kids played with it. I asked her if she was upset she didn't get an Xbox and she said no and that Santa said maybe next year she will get the other things on her list. 

I stood strong by my decision so much that I said to my husband if Santa surprises us with one I will walk out Christmas morning. Is that the right approach? No! But I am entitled to have them hang on to their youth for as long as they can and I can encourage them to use imaginary play for as long as they can too. 

We will see what next year will bring but for now I am proud of myself for sticking to my decision and to be honest I think my little girls are too!

Merry Christmas

I hope you had a great holiday!

Friday, December 23, 2016

A FitBit Saved My Dad's Life Today!

This is for all readers who have heart problems or know someone who does go buy a FitBit. My Dad's FitBit saved his life today.

After his heart surgery last week I ordered him one. He wore it all week and noticed at home his Heart Rate was high again. He tracked it and called his cardiologist. "Go back to the ER."  Sure enough the FitBit was right. His heart rate was at 177. Like he ran a marathon. 

This morning they shocked his heart again to get back into rythem. His doctor told him this device saved his life. 

For those who don't know what a Fitbit is its a watch like tracking device that you wear like a watch and it tracks your steps, heart rate, sleep patterns etc. It's extremely inexpensive. I got him the Fitbit Charge HR off Groupon.

You download a free app and it tracks your heart rate, sleep, steps, execerise etc. It's extremely comfortable and easy to read. 

The doctors were amazed. My Dad was feeling fine. If it wasn't for the FitBit he wouldn't have even known that his heart rate was so elevated.

Thank You FitBit!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Rest In Peace My Sweet Sam!

When I was in 9th grade I went to Florida with my best friend. We flew alone and stayed at her grandparents house. They had this dog named Sam who had twiggy rough fur and a bark that would wake the neighborhood. When we would sneak in her grandparents house after hanging with her Cousins my best friend would make me pet him so he would stop barking. 

Of course when my husband brought me a male dog 10 years later I had to name him Sam. My Poor Sweet Sammy died today and I am heartbroken. 

My Sam didn't have twiggy rough fur but he did have a big loud bark for a tiny long haired chihuahua. He fit in my hand for months then his love for food caught up with him so he grew fast. People couldn't believe he was a chihuahua. He was 12 1/2 years old. 

He came into my life before my children did. He was like my child. He was always by my side and waited to die until I got home to be with him. 

I never understood dog people. I mean I had two dogs but some people treat dogs better than humans. Now I get it. Sammy always was loyal to me. He was so great to my girls and gentle. I kept telling him what a great boy he was and I loved him. Once we agreed to put him down he died within seconds. My heart aches my husband and kids ache. We lost a member of our family. Now I get it dog people. 

Rest in peace my sweet Sammy Boy!

Yelling Isn't Always A Bad Sign...

So true Reese Witherspoon. 

Why You Can't Wrap Gifts Or Have...

Enjoy the laugh!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Sista Sista...

Sister time rocks. We originally wanted to go to a movie but it wasn't playing so we said let's grab food and drinks. Um only on one term I said manicures first. I needed one badly and when I go I like getting the sparkle kind. Just dresses up the hands more.

We have been going to Iris Nail Salon in Darien. It's amazing. So nice inside. Like a spa and everyone is so sweet. Very class. Manicures are $12.95. Can't beat the price!

I went with holiday colors and of course glitter in it. 

Then we stopped for apps and drinks at Center Street Public House. Was so good and the waitress Deb was awesome. Really sweet. The price are so reasonable. $10 on Mondays fish and chips with a draft beer- can't beat it.

After last week dealing with the episode my dad went through it was nice to get together and share some laughs. I love these girls. Truly with all my heart. Only thing that is better than having a sister is having two!

He's Making A List...

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Time To Think Of Your Delivery People Too

Cute idea to leave a care package for them at your front door. 

Read more here:

Pageant Is Over... I Can Now Relax and Cry

I know kids will be kids but they are my kids and well I always get a little anxious when they are involved in something. My kids are 2, 3 1/2 and 8. Of course the little ones want to do what their big sister does. 

So last week at rehersal my two year old puts on a costume and marches down the aisle during practice. Then she shouts my name and runs back and forth. Practice was canceled yesterday due to snow so that meant only one more rehersal would take place the morning of the Christmas pageant. 1 hr before show time. 

I turn to the director and say I don't want the little one in the pageant. I am nervous she will run up and down the aisles too much. Her reply"so what she will be fine"

My stomach hurt but she was right. So what. She's two. She can get away with it. Needless to say everyone cracked up at her pageant moves running after her big sister to hold her hands and coming back again infront of a packed church. I was super stressed and my husband turned to me and said stop they are fine. After he was right. Just then I notice my oldest daughter joined her Chior on stage. I didn't know she was going to.  Tears filled my eyes. My babies are amazing. The rest of the day I was in awe of these three confident little girls who are mine. 

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Parenting Humor...Not So Easy

Tonight we had a night out with a great group of friends and this image seemed fitting. Some are new parents some are "parents to be."

I had a couple of margaritas and we starting discussing the "truth" of parenthood. You know the stuff people
don't actually tell you.

For starters it's amazing being a parent but picture having roommates. These roommates you love and enjoy their company but sometimes they don't do things you like or approve of. They have habits that drive you crazy and sometimes you just need a little
"time out." Yet you love coming home to these "roommates"...that's parenthood. 

All I Want For Christmas...

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Holiday Lights in CT

We used to have a guy in town who put on an amazing display of holiday lights. He has retired and last year was the last year he did them. 

Even though my husband thinks our house should be like the house from the Movie Christmas Vacation, I miss the house we used to always visit. I saw a friend post pictures from this and it's on my list of places to visit with the kids. 

If you have been please share your experience in the comments section below. 

Powered Donuts Snowman Craft

I saw this at a bake sale and attempted them tonight with my girls. All you need are white powdered donuts, M&M's, chocolate frosting, twizzlers and wooden skewers.  

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Step Back & Take It All In

As a parent your kids are a representation of you. Well, most of the time. So we think. 

We put this added pressure on ourselves to make sure they are well behaved and sometimes the stress is overwhelming. My two oldest were going to do the Christmas pageant at Church. Once my youngest saw she picked up a costume and stood in line. "Oh no honey you can't be in it. Come sit with me". Just then the leaders said "of course she can be. She can be whatever she wants"

I held my breath. She's only two. Structure is not something she is aware of. She walked down and held another "Angels" hand and once she stood on at alter she shouted "mommy mommy" and waved to me. She did run back and forth a couple of times and the leaders grabbed her hand and walked her back. 

Step back and take it all in. It's ok for not everything to always be in your control!

And just like that my three beauties were all together and part of the rehersal for the Christmas pageant. 

Brunch With Santa

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Decorating "Lucky"

My kids names our tree "Lucky". Guess they are right. It gets to spend the next four weeks with us. Tonight we decorated it. The soft branches made it hard to put up some heavy ornaments so we left a good amount down or hid them up top. We didn't loose or break an ornaments this decorating season. Which is a miracle with having three little Ones. 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Saturday, December 3, 2016

You Can Change!

Let's face it people go through episodes in their life where they aren't the proudest of themselves or they feel dissapointed in a chain of events that have taken place. Trust me I get it. But what people have to also realize is that you have control over your destiny. If you don't like something well then do some changing. 

It doesn't have to be huge. Start with baby steps. Start thinking why things are taking place around you. Why you feel so compassionate about some stuff verse another. 

We have these certain situations that we automatically react to. Try changing the way you think. See how you then change the way you handle that situation. 

I used to think I "had" to do some things. I felt I had to make other people happy or clarify my actions. Well in time that changed. We don't "have" to do anything we don't want to or put pressure on ourselves. Sometimes getting out of your "old way of thinking" helps bring focus and better results for you. 

It's The Holiday Season Add Some Sparkle

What a difference a little glitter can make! Past couple of manicures I had my eye was drawn towards the polish with glitter.

Something about washing dishes and looking down at your fancy nails makes the whole experience more enjoyable.

The other night I asked my sister if she wanted to come out and go to a wake and Walmart with me. She responded "only if we can sneak in a Manicure"

We arrive and she insists on treating me. I grab the polish and she laughs. She says your always grabbing the sparkle. As my lady is applying it to my nails I lean over and tell my sister she should add it to her top coat. She listened and loved it. 

Add some sparkle to your nails. It's the little things that make a difference in your day even if it is just having fancy nails when doing dishes.  

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