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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Fruit Is The New Cupcake

Remember going to school on your birthday, being all excited to have your mom bring in cupcakes and you got to pass them out to all your classmates, yeah well those days are over. With so many different food allergies and who doesn't like what, schools have done away with cupcakes and now fruit is the safest thing to bring. 

My middle one is turning 4 tomorrow. 4, crazy I know. She's changed so much this past year that she seems so much older for four. I mean four is a big number. It's no longer a toddler stage but a pre k stage and she melts my heart. I asked her preschool teacher what I could bring into her class to celebrate and she said fruit. Ugh, ok. Guess my oven won't be turned on tonight. 

I originally wanted to make fruit kabobs but who has time for that and really all I could picture is kids hurting themselves trying to pull the fruit off so instead I did a Costco run and bought a huge bag of oranges and package of strawberries. I washed all the fruit and cut into the oranges. They were pink. Crap I thought, could these be grapefruits. I tasted one and they were the most amazing oranges I ever had- and first time I had a pink one too. I read the bag they called it "power" oranges. Not really sure why but all I know is I never heard anyone bing allergic to "power" oranges so I think they will be just fine. 

Monday, February 27, 2017

Seeing Life In A Different Way! Pushing Myself For My Kids!

Work has been amazing yet super busy, at times I feel it's too overwhelming. We just got over the stomach bug in my house. We rearranged the girls room to make it more user friendly for them. I am at my breaking point- lack of sleep, working too much and juggling too much. When this happens tempers are short. I eat bad. I am moody and start to reevaluate why I do what I do and for who.

So tonight was another night. I rested a little while the girls played in their room and before I knew it was past 8:00. The kids still needed a bath and to get dressed for bed. I was moody I will admit it. My temper was short. The girls felt it and were quiet.  But then I got an email from my middle ones pre school teacher. She went on to say how amazing my daughter was doing at full day pre k and how she was keeping up with the older kids no problem and she mentioned a story about talking about firemen and matches and my daughter said she loved to play with matches. They asked her why and she replied it's fun to try to find the same pictures to match them up. My daughter loves board games and we have been playing a matching game one often. The teacher went on to say she explained to the other children what she meant and showed them the game and really enjoyed the laugh. She went on to say how smart she was. She gave my husband and I credit for raising such an amazing child. I teared up.

After reading it it dawned on me that all my hard work, all my late nights working while they slept was really for them. For my three girls to have an amazing life. Not to only have materialist things but to have me their for them. For me to be able to balance being their for them whenever they needed, when they are sick, getting ready in the morning, I do drop off and pickup, I make their breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday while juggling my own company and work load. I work while they are at school and sleep. It's for them. And it's amazing to see the rewards through them.

I know it may sound silly but realizing it's all for them makes the struggle easier. If I can balance being their for them while providing a good income to help contribute to the house and bills and the extras then I will do it. I will do it because my parents did it for me and I am now able to do it for my kids. I want them to be amazing in their own way with me by their side guiding them through it. I don't want to ever have to say no unless it's because of our choice to say no not because we can't financially. It really helps put life into a different perspective! In the end it's for them, the long days, the late nights working, the pushing to build my company, the days I have to give myself a pep talk to say I can make it through the chaos of the day. It's for them and if I could I would do even more just to make things better for them, so they can be even better!

Happy Monday All!

Enjoy the laugh!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Simple Greek Opens In Norwalk

The Simple Greek opened in Norwalk and what better way to celebrate then $1 Gyros! Yum! Enjoy lunch today for $1

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Surround Yourself With Those Who Challenge You & Make You Better

Constantly surround yourself with those that inspire and motivate you to do and think better. We all have a lot to learn from one another!

Adults Let's Pull It Together!

It's amazing how we teach our children to play nice, respect others and treat those the way we want to be treated yet this past week I have seen nothing but slander and rudeness and it's all from adults!

For my readers who live in Norwalk I am sure you have read, seen or even attended some board meetings in discussion of plans to help Norwalk Schools. There's overcrowded classrooms and mold and the school system is a mess. There was a plan in place that recently got pulled back into new direction. Well here comes the issues. These education sites have turned into a venting, blaming, rude forum for parents and officials to really bash eachother and it is not pretty.

I have always kept my ear open to what was happening in the schools and have voiced my concern when I have heard enough but now it's like trying to get children to be civil and get along to get results.

This is not how parents, adults or officials should be acting. It's quiet disturbing how offensive people get. How rude they are to one another. The focus is now not what the main goal is: to create better, healthier, efficient atmospheres for our children and teachers.

I think as parents and political parties and adults we need to think before we speak, not take things so personal and handle situations in a way we are teaching our children to.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Super Moms

We are real!

Legoland Westchester

What a cool, fun place! We went over the weekend with my inlaws. We were away for the night so I suggested stopping herein the way home. I have been wanting for years to go with the kids  every time we got invited to a birthday there we couldn't attend for some reason. We purchased our tickets online and were able to get one child free per adult ticket purchase. Children two and younger are free. It cost me $47 for a family of five- can't beat that deal. 

It was the perfect weekend to go since the hype of the batman movie was going on. The kids got to take a picture with batman. They handed out batman masks. Inside they had cute batman items. 

The cool thing about this place is that you forget everything is made out of Legos- I mean EVERYTHING and you are amazed. I wondered how many hours it took to build each item. Even the motorcycle was built out of Legos. it's pretty insane. They have interactive games you can play to have the Legos move and it's really entertaining for the kids. 

They validate parking so be sure to bring in your parking ticket- they discount it so you only have to pay $1.75. Also make sure that when you order tickets online you pick the correct location. You can print your tickets online and makes it easy to check in. 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Life It's Good...But Nothing Good Ever Comes Easy

Yes I Am That Mom...Well Maybe Just A Little Bit...

Matching outfits, extra snacks in my purse, wipes in my bag, car and kids book packs. Sticky kisses, constant timer on, balanced meals even during snacks...yes I am that mom!

When I found out I was having girls I started buying matching outfits. Sometimes there weren't exact and they were just the same color or pattern but mostly matching. Everyone  would either LOVE IT or would say soon they won't want to match, they would want their own "identity" it's ok if they don't match and so on. Well with the age difference my little ones really adore their big sister and their big sister really is still young at heart so what started to happen was I would lay out their clothes the night before and the older one will ask "Where's my shirt like theirs?" Or the middle one would say "why can't I have a dress like my big sister". I would explain by simply saying it's ok I will buy you one too next time I go to the store and they would be over it. I do ask at times if they want to match certain days too so they have a say in it. Most of the time it is yes. Another huge reason I love matching- not only because it looks super cute and is appealing to my eyes but I take my kids out a lot and it's so easy to track them but all having same color or style shirts on. Trust me try it!

Extra snacks in purse is something I always did even before kids. Before I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer they thought I was insulin resistant. I ate every two hours so was always programmed like that. Today I bring snacks everywhere. Yeah I learned my car took a hit from that but I always have something on me. Now it's not junk food. Yes sometimes it's little bites especially for my niece who is a number one fan of the funfetti. But I am a huge fan of the kids chocolate brownie clif bars since my girls aren't a fan of granola bars. I am also a huge fan of the Nature Valley dark chocolate peanut protein bars.  I even eat them. They are filled with Vitamins  and protein and also taste like chocolate. 

Wipes in my bag, cars and kids book bags. Let's face it germs are everywhere and I take my kids to a ton of places. Number one rule: once you get in the car leaving school, and any place outside of home you wipe your hands. Whenever we get home you wash your hands. I have three kids. Three. That's three times chances of getting sick and it spreading through the house. My kids are so used to routine that minute they come home they tell sitter "have to wash my hands". I am not "anal" I know it sounds like I am but the more I can prevent our home being a victim of any bug, flu, cold or whatever the happier our home can be!

Sticky kisses. I tell my kids 100 times a day I love them and love their sticky kisses. No I am not always easy on them. I am very stern sometimes too stern. I use timeout a lot. I use timers to give them five more minutes then they must brush their teeth. That timer goes over and they run, well sometimes, to tackle the task. Haven't yet gotten all three to comply at same time hoping it's an age thing. But they do encourage each other or say can you put timer on and give us a couple more minutes. Example when time goes off we have to turn tablets off and get dressed for school they will say ok girls come one listen to mom. One morning my daughter said she dreamt the fire alarm went off. She said it kept beeping mom. I said well if that ever happens you must get me right away. Then it dawned on me maybe it's that timer getting stuck in her head. 

Balanced meals. Oh the battle. Now I am a carb junkie and so is my oldest. When she was younger her iron level was low so I had to push iron rich foods and for being a kid that didn't like greens that was a problem.  She's fine now but it taught me about balance. So every meal including snacks had to have some fruit or vegetable, some type of protein and then a carb. Like the snack plates I had made in past which now I just fill up bowls variety of stuff. Popcorn and string cheese with grapes or tangerines and pretzels and yogurts. I really try to push healthy habits. Even on pizza night I try to give a bowl of yogurt with the meal and carrots and cucumbers. Something. Something that I am not sure if they yet appreciate. My oldest can polish a half of pizza if you let her -she's a no crust no cheese pizza eater-so in between I ask what else can she eat and she picks a fruit or veggie or protein and finishes her glass of water before having her last slice.

My middle one is a sugar junkie. Skinny Minnie. Eats like a bird but craves sugar and cookies and well anything sweet.  I have a "toy box" which is really a "sugar box" they can pick one candy after nap or a piece of chocolate to fulfill their sugar fix. I am trying to be fair but yet keep a balance.   I may not be doing this completely right but I was a chubby kid and I am trying hard for my kids to have a balanced life. 

I have to admit. I have a huge energy level. It almost freaks me out a little and my kids at times don't agree with my parenting style or get upset when I yell because after asking five times their jackets still aren't on or teeth brushed. But I am learning how to improve my parenting style as it goes along. 
I love crafts. Love embracing my children's childhood. Love exposing them to different things and really watching their personalities blossom. My parenting style may freak you out or you may relate. Regardless we're all trying the best we can!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Time To Burn Some Energy: Pump It Up In Norwalk

It's school break and I have been working a lot. After the sitter left I knew I needed to do something to have my girls burn some energy. My husband wasn't going to be home until late and I couldn't keep them in the house. Their sitter bought them passes for Christmas so I packed them up and headed to Pump It Up in Norwalk. 

This past year they have added some new inflatables and obstacle courses. It's perfect for kids of all ages. That's the problem with my kid ages- finding a place that they all can enjoy. Well here's the place. They did the jump with ice cream. After they got to pick an ice cream cup and toppings. Only problem is that last time we were here was for a birthday and my toddler insisted we had to sing Happy Birthday before leaving. We didn't and she fought me on it. 

If you need to get out and have the kids in a clean, warm, place  where you can sit back and smile then check it out! 

Monday, February 13, 2017

My Valentine's Creativity Is Back...

"My house may not be perfect, my patience is sometimes short, but one thing that I know is that I love my girls with all my heart" JF

I was bummed to be overwhelmed with work that I didn't give Valentine's Day much attention. I did basic stuff with the girls but normally do a bunch of crafts. My husband is in charge of buying their gifts. But I usually do something small too 

So I was laying on the couch tonight and felt drained and realized I don't have to feel this way. I jumped up and started to decorate and made the girls a brownie heart. Now I am super excited to see their faces tomorrow morning. 

It's easy to feel overwhelmed and over worked but when you feel like that take a time out and do something that makes your soul happy. Enjoy your Valentine's Day Everyone!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Baking Banana Bread With Toddlers

I had two containers of frozen bananas and extra ripe ones on my container that needed to be used up. We spent the day reorganizing the house and moving around furniture. I turned to my husband and said I wanted to bake. He thought I was nuts.

Right before dinner I pulled up two chairs and my little ones went to work. Now keep in mind one is almost four and the other is two and a half years old. Yes there was some flour on the floor and a bit yelling on my part but it's amazing how much they can do. My middle
one is super careful now when we bake. She takes her time and what really struck me is she broke the yokes of the eggs with the hand whisk before mixing. 

When their big sister came home they ran to her to show her what they made. Delicious and amazing and building memories all at the same time!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Crockpot Mexican Chicken Soft Tacos

So you know that crockpot Mexican chicken I made the other day...well that was tonight's amazing dinner!

All you have to do is add blackbeans and yellow rice and stuff in corn tortilla. Squeeze a lime over before serving and there's dinner. Delicious 

Save Time With Freshly: Comes Fresh Comes Already Cooked

I love Blue Apron I really do but then I came across this company, Freshly. Where natural, fresh, COOKED meals come delievered to your door and all you have to do is take 2 minutes to warm it up. Same price as the other services that come having to cook from start to finish. Pretty cool!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Crockpot Mexican Chicken

Super easy and delicious!  

What you need:
package of organic chicken breast
package of taco mix
 2 tablespoons of ranch dressing- I have seen this recipe with ranch powder 
1/4 cup of water

Rinse chicken, spray crockpot with Pam spray- helps with cleanup- add chicken, top with taco mix, ranch and water. Bakes for 4 hours in crockpot. Shred with a fork. 

Serve with black beans, Mexican rice, and wraps. Be sure to squeeze some lime on it. Amazing! 

Do You Have The Courage?

It's like a constant battle with one self as to letting things go verse saying no way I can still be, do, have what I want to be, do, have! 

Do you have the courage?

Best Pancake Mix

We had a 2 hr delay this morning and my girls asked for pancakes. No problem...I open my pantry and then remembered I used the last of the bisquick. Um change of plans,I said, it will have to be from scratch. They agreed and I actually picked the first recipe that didn't require buttermilk and it was easy and delicious. Thanks

Mix all dry ingredients. Form a little hole is center. Crack in egg add butter and milk. Mix and cook. Delicious!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Dry Dock Bar & Grille In Norwalk CT

Always loved this place and love the new decor even more. The new owners took over and revamped it. Jamie used to be behind the bar and now he's an owner. Truly a great story. You can tell the love for that place has been put into their new menu and love the way it's setup inside. 

They graciously donated some gift certificates for our schools walkathon so when I went to pick them up I had to get food to go too- I mean the smell alone driving by is enough to stop in. Their Dijon burger has always been my favorite and the fried calamari didn't stand a chance with my little ones-finished in minutes. 

Snow Storm 2017 Be Ready...

Brace yourself...a Snow Storm is on its way. I spent the last 72 hours as a single parent and the night I schedule a night out they are predicting a foot of snow. Putting my husband on daddy duty and may hide in my office tomorrow and nap.

Who am I kidding...I never sit still. I plan on doing their school valentines and making cocoa and have a new slide set my friend found for me on a Tag Sale site that I hope kids can enjoy in the snow. 

For those who get to sleep in well lucky you. For us parents that don't try to embrace being snowed in with your little ones and enjoy your Snow Day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Canoli Dip Paired With Apples: Guilt Free Treat

I made Canoli dip over the weekend and had some left over. I went to hang at my sisters this morning ano brought some to her. She said I had to try the apples they got at Costco. That's when my light bulb went off: Canoli dip and apples- amazing and guilt free treat!

Leading In 3rd Place Please Vote For Mommy CT

Such an honor to be nominated for "Best Social Media Mom" please take the time to vote for Mommy CT

Currently I am leading in 3rd place and would be awesome to take 1st place. I really love sharing my views, stories, recipes, local events and funny humor to help get through my journey of mommyhood with you all. Voting is private and we do not get to see who votes for us. Thanks for following and appreciate your vote!

Parenting Job Description

Source: The Mom Network

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Super Bowl 2017 Humor

Honestly the food, half time show and commericials are why I watch but I must admit I stayed up late to watch the overtime and for once it was really an amazing game. Congrats Pats!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Most Foods Consumed On Super Bowl Sunday

1.33 BILLION wings and 11 million slices of pizza. Did your favorite Super Bowl foods make the list?

Saturday Night Mommy Humor

Oh how my Saturday nights have changed...

Vegetable Soup: Powerhouse Iron Soup

My two year old loves her vegetables and the real dark green ones are her favorite. The other morning she asked for soup. I pulled out whatever I had in the freezer and fridge and started cooking. 

What you Need:
2 chicken bouillon cubes- I like
Knorr brand
Four cups of water- follow instructions on back of chicken boulion box
Frozen veggies
A half box of spaghetti
Two eggs

Boil water. Add bouillon cubes. Break up pasta add to water. Add vegetables. When soup is about ten Minutes from being done crack the eggs- one at a time- into the soup. Stir  with  a fork
to break up the eggs.  Was delicious! 

I Became Everything I Swore I Would Never Be

Not sure I can point the finger to anyone on this but myself to blame for realizing I am became everything I never wanted to be. I mean I swore to myself I would never do this and sure enough I did.

Growing up I remember always seeing the run down, overweight, stressed out mom. She would be out with her family and everyone but her has it together. I swore NEVER me. Guess again! I am exactly that! 

I am exactly that mom: run down, over weight and can't believe how I leave the house. It's like do I spend time doing my makeup or pack the kids lunches...yeah lunches wins everytime.

I know sounds silly, just get up earlier would be the best solution but in my house the minute I open my eyes someone wakes up. My magnetic energy must be super strong to attract my kids attention the minute my eyes open. 

I swore I would never lose it. Never lose my creative touch. My love for painting and drawing. Yep that too gone...I think my canvas with my art supplies are four years old. I haven't picked up my sketch pad or painted. I haven't even done a drawing of my 2 year old yet. 

Recently my sister broke her collar bone and I suggested she read a book I wrote and edit for me to pass time. I sent it to my sister and said I haven't read it in 8 years. 8 YEARS. My book has been sitting on my laptop. Sitting there waiting to be edited and never turned back to give it any TLC. Then my other book has been in my head for 8 years and never written. Can you imagine?! Thinking of this book. Picturing it yet never taking the time to write it out. Pathetic I know. 

So now if my friend were in my shoes I would say make time and do it. Yeah yeah let's all laugh together. But reality is I need to manage my time better to make room for these things. 

What you send out to the universe you receive. 

This week I got notified that my daughter was offered a full time pre k spot at her school. That means she would do the same in the Fall and my two year old would be there in mornings and so that means ALL my kids will be at school in the morning. Imagine that. I just gained 15 hours of me time and instead of thanking the universe I almost cried. That this was it. That my mornings with them will soon be gone. That this me time I have yearned for was soon happening and I was a little upset about it. My babies were growing up. 

In six months my fantasy of me time will finally be a reality. I can join a gym. Work more. Write more. Shower after drop off. Do my makeup in peace. Be me again. So this so called woman I never wanted to be has six more months until she gets to get her shit together again. 

Tears of joy and tears of sorrow. See you can't gain something without losing something. That's the battle of parenthood. You can't gain more time for "me" without giving up time doing something else. 

For now I need to embrace this woman I never wanted to be and realize she doesn't always have to be a piece of me!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Why I Still Have My Christmas Cards Up

The tree came down a while ago and all the decorations put back in boxes and put away in storage BUT for some reason I cannot take down my holiday cards. 

Maybe it's because of the smiles that are gleaming in them, maybe it's the fun memories attached to them. See how can you be in a bad mood when you look up and see happiness around you?! So no I haven't taken down the holiday cards yet but they do still make me smile, days, weeks and months later they are just as special as the day I opened them and I am not ready to let them go!

Music Theatre Of Connecticut Is Coming To Norwalk

Drink Your Vegetables: Green Machine By Naked

Some of my children like veggies some don't but they all do like juice. My husband actually brought this home one day. He was at Costco and they were giving out samples. The kids were eager to try it- which shocked me. It's delicious sweet. Not griddy. Not greeny.  Now in the morning they get a small glass and I must say its pretty awesome. Filled with a lot of vitamins and iron! We call it the green "monster" drink.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Best of the Gold Coast 2017: Did Your Favorites Get Nominated?

It's always fun to show your favorite Autobody shop, restaurant, bar, caterer, or food truck some love. Moffley Media "Best Of The Gold Coast" voting is open. Unfortunately there isn't a category for best blog YET- but am hoping to work with them on adding it. In the meantime take some time and show some love to your local businesses. Best of luck to all the nominees!

Happy 1st Of The Month

What a busy yet good day. At this time of night I reflect and give thanks for not losing my mind but actually am pretty impressed with how much I can conquer and still smile saying goodnight to my little ones. 

I went for my Thyroid checkup and my levels are completely off. Which a part doesn't suprise me. I have been battling dry skin and have put on some extra pounds. When she said she was upping my dose I was a little nervous since I do have an extreme amount of energy already. 

As I ramble on I want you all to know that everyday is a new day. Vision the things you conquered through the day and give thanks for the good, mediated and release the thoughts of the bad and put it away. 

I like to count backwards starting with 10. Focus on your breathing. Envision a drawer and put away all the things that didn't make you smile. Trust me it works. 

Cheers to a new month and a good month and a healthy month!

Thanks for reading!


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