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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Happy 1st Of The Month

What a busy yet good day. At this time of night I reflect and give thanks for not losing my mind but actually am pretty impressed with how much I can conquer and still smile saying goodnight to my little ones. 

I went for my Thyroid checkup and my levels are completely off. Which a part doesn't suprise me. I have been battling dry skin and have put on some extra pounds. When she said she was upping my dose I was a little nervous since I do have an extreme amount of energy already. 

As I ramble on I want you all to know that everyday is a new day. Vision the things you conquered through the day and give thanks for the good, mediated and release the thoughts of the bad and put it away. 

I like to count backwards starting with 10. Focus on your breathing. Envision a drawer and put away all the things that didn't make you smile. Trust me it works. 

Cheers to a new month and a good month and a healthy month!

Thanks for reading!


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