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Friday, March 27, 2020

Making Ice Cream

Keeping busy is what keeps us sane. Making memories is what makes us happy. I always used to make ice cream with the kids. I used to make egg nog and candy cane ice cream for Christmas. I made ice cream whenever my nephews slept over. It’s so easy and fun. 

It’s been a while since I pulled out my ice cream maker. So last night I said tonight we will make ice cream like we used to. This time was just vanilla. Next week we will make chocolate. 

I follow the Cuisinart recipe because it doesn’t require eggs. Check it out here:

How do you take your ice cream?

Go On Girl


Pray For The Helpers & Know Your Role

Pray for the helpers. The ones that have to go to work to keep us safe. To heal the sick. To protect our community. To the doctors and nurses, policeman and fireman, to the cleaners the grocery store employees. To the pharmacies. To even the restaurants that stay open to feed us. Pray for them all. We all play a role 
A role that makes us go out there and work everyday or the role that keeps you home to not spread this virus even more. Know your role and play it. ❤️

What You Can & Can’t Control

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